Creative Writing Courses

Creative Writing Courses One of the questions I am sometimes asked is if I feel it’s advisable to take creative writing courses? For me, the answer is both yes and no as every writer will have their own unique journey. However, by delving into my own experiences of courses, I hope to explore the answer […]

Breaking the Rules

Breaking the Rules As many of my readers already know, my main character Kim Stone is not particularly successful at following rules, which prompted me to wonder about my own willingness to remain within set guidelines. I’ve spent a great deal of time over the last few years pondering about whether I’m breaking any rules […]

Are there any positives to publishing in a pandemic?

Are there any positives to publishing in a pandemic? It’s easy, at first glance, to find silver linings in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Writing from inner London, I can report that the sun is shining, there are no planes in the sky; I can take my daily walk down the centre of the […]