The Strand Magazine: Shirley Jackson’s previously unpublished “Adventure on a Bad Night”



The Strand Magazine: Shirley Jackson’s previously unpublished “Adventure on a Bad Night”

Shirley Jackson was a writer who could deftly move between both short stories and novels, crafting unforgettable short tales out of mundane circumstances or full-length novels of the supernatural. Her gift of being able to spin a lasting, relevant and memorable story out of an everyday setting is on full display in this previously unpublished Shirley Jackson story “Adventure on a Bad Night,” released exclusively to The Strand Magazine.

Written not long after World War II, the narrative involves a homemaker who makes a trip to a convenience store one evening and runs into a pregnant and seemingly helpless immigrant. In just under 3,000 words,  Jackson casts a sharp eye on everything from prejudice and personal responsibility to the deepest thoughts of a woman trapped in the monotony of her everyday life.

A more contemporary short story specialist, John Floyd, is no stranger to these pages and never fails to deliver a bit of southern suspense. In “Nobody’s Business,” he shows us what happens when a hapless man-on-the-run, a couple of hitmen, an elderly lady missing her dog, and an intrepid alligator cross paths in the woods one chilly morning. From gator country we move to Los Angeles and reptiles of a different kind, with a human trafficker biting off more than he can chew in Thomas Perry’s “Katerina Goes to Studio City.” Then we’re off to storied Edinburgh, where Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson reluctantly take a case involving banking, gambling, and perfidy in David Marcum’s “The Edinburgh Bankers.”

Speaking of the Great Detective, we have an exclusive interview with Laurie R. King, who surprised everyone in 1994 by embarking on a series of novels in which the ever-aloof Holmes finds himself happily mentoring young detective Mary Russell. Laurie shared thoughts on the writing life, and what it was like to break with tradition and cast a perennially popular character in a new light.

As usual, you’ll find in this issue a wealth of reviews of the latest thrillers and mysteries, including write-ups of two excellent crime shows recently released on DVD.

The Strand is proud to release an unpublished Shirley Jackson story in our holiday issue and we continue to bring our readers the best in fiction, interviews with authors, as well as insightful book and audiobook reviews. In addition to the new Steinbeck short story, we’ve featured unpublished works other legendary authors including  F. Scott FitzgeraldRaymond Chandler, H.G. WellsAgatha ChristieDashiell Hammett and Tennessee Williams

For more back issues with works by literary legends, follow this link!

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