Punching Up Your Action Thriller By Glen Erik Hamilton, June 2021

Punching Up Your Action Thriller By Glen Erik Hamilton, June 2021 Labeling your novel an “action thriller” may seem limiting, or even redundant. Doesn’t every thriller novel have at least one fight or chase scene these days? And isn’t the action genre more suited to movies, where character development often takes a back seat to spectacle? While […]

The Top Ten Thieves in Pop Culture

The Top Ten Thieves in Pop Culture by Glen Erik Hamilton We love thieves.  Not in real life, naturally; the commandment and laws against stealing exist for good reason.  But on the page, short of a character seeking justice, there’s hardly anything readers root for more than a protagonist who’s trying to take what they […]

Casting off with Travis McGee

Casting off with Travis McGee I retire whenever I can afford it. When the money is gone, I go back to work. Salvage work. Retirement comes when you are too old to enjoy it completely, so I take some of mine whenever I can. — The Dreadful Lemon Sky My parents sprang the news when […]