Book Review: Master of Mysteries by Gelett Burgess

Available 03 Jan 2023 What’s a high-functioning Sherlock Holmes type to do in the face of a gullible, tarot-believing public? Fleece them for everything they’re worth, while solving all of their crimes, of course! Together with his charming assistant Valeska Wynne, Astro, the “Master of Mysteries” (as he styles himself to his audience) enjoys a […]

How Making a Nuclear Bunker as a Kid made me a Writer

I have forty-two cans of beans, ten cans of tuna, twenty-five mars bars, seven rolls of duct tape, five rolls of Bacofoil, twenty batteries for the torch and the wireless radio. In the special box I have three four litre water containers, two first aid kits, a penknife and a plastic bucket and forty-two toilet […]

The Challenges of Writing a Teenage Hero (ish)

One of the questions I get asked often about my novel How To Survive Everything is: ‘How did you manage to write such a convincing teenage protagonist?’ It’s a lovely compliment. Sometimes it turns into: ‘why did you write a teenage protagonist?’ or the more pointed ‘what gives you the right to write a teenage […]