Interview with Jenna Podjasek, MD

Through utilizing her background in immunology and the medical field, Jenna Podjasek, MD has crafted an exceptional medical thriller with Particles in the Air. Enjoy this exclusive peek into her story through her compelling responses to our questions!

TSM: Tell us about your recent debut medical thriller, Particles in the Air.

JP: The story introduces us to Dr. Mallory Hayes, a devoted physician and researcher with Atlanta’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  Following a devastating tsunami, she is dispatched to California to prevent the spread of disease by contaminated water.

Soon after arriving at a FEMA relocation camp for refugees, she uncovers something that will change the United States forever: a deadly illness that resembles an accelerated form of HIV.  With laboratory results supporting her suspicions, Mallory concludes that this virus, which ruthlessly decimates the immune system, is not a natural anomaly but a deliberately engineered microbe specifically created to induce terror.

TSM: What was the inspiration behind this story?

JP: In shaping the character of Mallory, I drew heavily from my own journey, particularly my experiences in the medical field. Medicine, like many other professions, suffers from gender inequality. I hope that Mallory’s unwavering determination and creative problem-solving skills will serve as an inspiration for women.

Many aspects of Mallory’s personality developed organically; her reactions were how I imagined I would react under similar circumstances. Mallory grapples with anxiety and faces challenges in her interpersonal communication, mirroring struggles that many of us encounter. Her background is a modest, middle-class upbringing, and she has reached her current position through sheer perseverance and hard work. Above all, I sought to portray her as imperfectly human, just like me.

TSM: How has your work in the medical field informed your career as a writer?

JP: Creating “Particles in the Air” wouldn’t have been possible without my medical expertise. Throughout the writing process, my primary concern was to ensure the story remained grounded in scientific realism and plausibility. My medical training equipped me with the tools to maintain rigorous scientific accuracy, covering everything from depicting illnesses and laboratory abnormalities to the catastrophic impacts of a man-made, contagious virus on the human immune system.

TSM: What was your process in developing a fictional story that relies on fundamental scientific principles? Was there any research that went into your brainstorming process?

JP: Before beginning Particles in the Air, I spent weeks cultivating and researching the scientific premise behind the story.  In short, PARTICLES’ medical scenarios could absolutely happen in real life. This medical thriller was written with this in mind and is meant to be both compelling and believable.

TSM: What was the most challenging edit you had to make while writing this book?

JP: My approach to “Particles in the Air” was characterized by detailed planning. Before writing the first chapter, I undertook weeks of intense research. This was not only in line with my personality style but ultimately helped me ensure the narrative was organized and coherent.  Because of this, my publisher and editor didn’t recommend any substantial edits to the storyline.

TSM: What do you hope readers take away from this novel?

JP: Particles in the Air was crafted with two intentions: to provide an entertaining reading experience but also to serve as a cautionary tale.

Before the emergence of COVID-19, epidemiologists had been sounding alarms about the inevitability of a global pandemic. Today, with technology becoming increasingly accessible via the internet, the grim potential of bioterrorism has become an unfortunate possibility. A fatal virus no longer requires extraction from a high-security laboratory.  The technology needed for a catastrophic event already exists; nothing new needs to be invented or discovered. In writing Particles in the Air, I want to raise awareness of this possibility.

TSM: Were there any unexpected challenges you experienced in creating your first novel? Do you have any advice for other writers who are just starting out?

JP: Like many other writers, I found marketing to be especially challenging.  Marketing a book successfully requires an entirely different skill set from writing. I quickly learned that a multi-faceted approach is crucial in promoting a book.

I’ve also learned that publishing isn’t just about writing—it’s also about strategizing, marketing, and creating a brand around your work. Being an author requires the ability to adapt and learn from your mistakes.  Versatility and resilience are what truly propels one forward in this industry.

TSM: What drew you to the medical thriller genre? Are there other works or authors in the genre (or outside the genre) that influence your writing?

JP: My fascination with the medical thriller genre has been long-standing, fueled by my early exposure to the riveting works of Robin Cook and Michael Crichton. However, during my medical training, the idea for Particles in the Air began to germinate.  My hands-on experiences further inspired the premise – it has persisted and grown in my mind ever since.

TSM: How do you feel about the concept of “genre”? Is it helpful or hindering?

JP: If you had asked me about the concept of “genre” prior to publication, I would have said it helped readers find books that align with their preferences.  However, post-publication, I have found the idea of a single genre limiting.

For example, Particles in the Air is meant to contain the high-stakes and technical elements characteristic of a medical thriller. However, it also includes components of a disaster thriller and suspense-filled terrorism novel.

TSM: And finally, do you have plans for any future projects?

JP: I’m currently writing another tension-filled medical thriller that includes Dr. Mallory Hayes. To stay up to date with the latest information regarding this new release and more, I invite you to subscribe to my newsletter at  You can also stay connected with me on Twitter @JennaPodjasek and Instagram @JennaPodjasekauthor, where I share my inspirations, sneak peeks, and glimpses into life beyond the pages.

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